K-Pop fans in Europe are the masses Unfortunately, they rarely have a chance to see their favorite K-Pop artist closely and fans in Europe are trying to make this opportunity happen.
Yesterday at the JYJ or Jaejoong (Jae Joong), girlfriend (Yoochun) and singers (Junsu) announced on the official check on their album The Beginning They also announced on the tour will be shown in another 8 cities from 15 October to the end of November in both Asia and the United States. Then again, no city in Europe at all.
European fans fed up of being ignored. They therefore established a project called Let's Put Europe on the Map! They have sent many e-mail. And ask for cooperation from the fans to answer e-mail While they are working for the fans. How much the Europeans want to see their concert there.
If a sufficient number of people. Maybe the fans European fans will have more and more Yong.
Credit : http//:www.blike.net