For a single second in nine countries of the sushi girl like music Gee SNSD upcoming release on 20 October that Now has released a Japanese version of the M / V out for each other and then get to watch
Today (6 October), the home of So Nyeo Shi Dae of Japan will release the M / V Song Gee Japanese version came out to watch each other Gee is the music can be considered as the popular music of the band Nyeo Shi Dae can record the number one song in the charts up to nine consecutive weeks. Which became a hit song that people sing around the world and Gee and now music has become a music single second Nyeo Shi Dae the launch in Japan is already
Gee for the launch of this song is. Count that has received attention from all media from Korea is very The M / V The latest release is. It seems that almost no different from the M / V Song Gee Korean version of it.
For the Korean girl group itself can be considered as being very popular in Japan, especially K-POP itself is a popular and were known as much in Japan as well.
Of course, in comparison between Korea and Japan that would have fun for a different song that Gee was released earlier this year with the Gee in the Japanese version of the song this is.
It seems that the past we have seen through the lovely bright colors in many shades of clothing and dress But this time it seems that you guys will see the girls grow up. And charm of their hearts in song Gee this version seems to have more equally.
Credit : http://www.popcornfor2.com